She thinks she's hiding.
Job done.
Then some gardening, lawns etc. It's that time of year again with watering to be done. Keeping the place green is a priority to reduce fire risk so Tim's out shifting sprinklers in the middle of the night again. Speaking of Tim he's been doing a bit of milling again. Some redgum, Stringy messmate and blackwood from windfalls. The Redgum has been claimed by Pam for a table top. Sorry guys but this one won't be seen in the cottages. We need to let it sit for a year to make sure it's finished moving.
Then some gardening, lawns etc. It's that time of year again with watering to be done. Keeping the place green is a priority to reduce fire risk so Tim's out shifting sprinklers in the middle of the night again. Speaking of Tim he's been doing a bit of milling again. Some redgum, Stringy messmate and blackwood from windfalls. The Redgum has been claimed by Pam for a table top. Sorry guys but this one won't be seen in the cottages. We need to let it sit for a year to make sure it's finished moving.

Now a little story: Last year at this time (flowers forming) we had a very large limb fall off one of our very large Stringybark trees. Thank goodness it missed anything important! After it fell Tim said we'll have to prune the ones that are left because there's just too much weight for the tree to support because we know that it has or has had white ants in it. You see the shed is right next to it. We were still "gunna" prune it. Well, here we are at the same time of year and guess what? Yup you guessed it. Another limb fell. We think that Pam caused this one to fall although it has an awful lot of flowers forming on it. You see; pulled the office door open then "CRASHH!!! She said it sounded like it went through the shed (NO! Not the shed!) Now we know what you're thinking "how can opening the office door make the limb fall off a tree 50m's away?" Well it just so happens that last year (at a different time) Tim opened the office door and the flowering gum in the driveway blew over in the wind. Do you see it now? That's 2 out of 2. This means that opening the office door is a risky business. We think it has something to do with the effect of wind or atmospheric pressures changing when the office door is opened. HMMMMM? Tim went to inspect and wow! It missed the shed! Phew! The limb twisted down and under itself before it fell onto the shed. This is where we say "Praise God" because if it had fallen straight down it would have made a real mess of the shed and it's contents. The only damage was to the roof of an old water tank Tim was keeping for a wood shed. It's all cut up now for fire wood with a few bits saved for making stuff and then mulch all the limbs for the garden. Another job done.
Water pump woe's today. Fixed now. Ahh, the things we do to live in a place like this.
Water pump woe's today. Fixed now. Ahh, the things we do to live in a place like this.