Hi all. thought we'd share a bit of what else has been done. This time Tim has made a light bar for Pam"s quilting machine. Started with research into LED strips then 18 months ago Tim took a walk in the 15 year old bluegum plantings and found the smallest diameter one for the bar. He cut the smallest one because it needs to be very strong so it can span the 4.2 metres (the slowest growing tree is the strongest). Then cut it to length, strip the bark off and route out a 20mm groove to take the LED's then rap it and put it away to season (dry)........tick tok tick tok.....tick tok tick tok.....18 months later and found a couple balusters in the shed; cut mortices in the balusters and tenons on each end of the bar. He then fitted the steal tubing to make brackets to fit at the bottom of the balusters to slip into the frames square tubing (nice of them to have a piece in exactly the right place on the machine's frame). Clean up all the timber, sand it down and fit the LED's and a switch, finish in Danish oil; done! Fit it to the machine frame. Happy anniversary Pam!!
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